Conference Status Revisited
February 25, 2023 • • in News
Now that the restrictions accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic have been significantly reduced and our church is back to regular services, the Mission administration has once again resumed its focus on Conference Status. The first launch took place at an Elders’ Retreat conducted at the Marc SDA Church on February 22, 2020. There we committed to commencing the education process and sensitising the territory, which has been a Mission for the last 23 years, regarding the implications of Conference Status.
The President, Pastor Roger Stephen, at the first ministerial meeting for the year 2023, shared with the clergy his strategic issues for the period 2023 to 2028. These issues will play a key role in helping us realise the goal of full autonomy by the end of this new quadrennium. The Strategic Issues are as follows:
- Enrichment of Spiritual Growth and Holistic Development of every Member
- Church Growth, Consolidation, Reclamation, and Discipleship
- Enrichment of Pastoral Leadership and Accountability
- Enhancement of Education, Family Life, Youth and Health
- Enhancement of Data Recording, Reporting, Research & Human Resource Development
- Enhancement of Data Recording, Reporting, Research & Human Resource Development
- Enhancement of Stewardship Education and Financial Viability
- Enhancement of Evangelism and Community Outreach
- Improvement of Infrastructural Image
- Improvement of church visibility and outreach through technology
More flesh will be added to these Strategic Issues in the days ahead, by the departments which are directly impacted. However, one thing is for certain, that every department will have to collaborate along with every pastor and church member if we are to realise our goal.