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Going With God: Soaring to New Heights

September 23, 2022 • • in News

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is very organised in its operations and functions to ensure that every member, whether directly or indirectly, has a say in the selection of officers to run the affairs of the organisation. Adopting the representative form of governance, no one person determines the officers of the church, whether at the local church level or at the level of the office. A committee, approved by the membership, through its representatives selects its officers, who must then be ratified by the delegates at the session or the church at business meeting. In fact, the highest level of authority in the church is when it meets in business session. No nominating committee or church board can overrule the decision of the membership in business session.

Come November 9th to the 11th, the St. Lucia Mission will be engaged in business session, as it examines where the Lord has led us and the progress of the church during the last four years. The constituency, through its delegates, is allowed the privilege of examining the stewardship of its officers as each, including administrators, report on the execution of their responsibilities during the period under review. It is an opportunity for the church to do a thorough clean-up, examining the weak areas, affirming the strengths, and charting the way forward for the next four years. The church at its Mission Session engages also in prayer and revival services as we plead for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, so we could fulfill God’s design for His church.

An integral part of the session is the selection of Directors to head the various departments of the church. The appointed delegates from the 50 churches, select a large committee, who then selects a nominating committee, as is done in the local church. The nominating committee, after having been approved by the delegates, then proceeds to thoroughly examine the eligibility of persons to fill the available offices. These officers are then recommended to the delegates, who vote either for or against the recommendations.

Another important part of the business session is the report of the administration on the implementation of the plans and recommendations voted by delegates at the previous Mission Session. Delegates are allowed to ask relevant questions to their officers as well as to make recommendations for the new executive, which will be tasked to manage the affairs of the Mission for the new quadrennium. Since as a Mission we do not yet have full autonomy to manage our own affairs, the administration is selected by the Caribbean Union at its quinquennial sessions. This was done earlier this year in the persons of Pastors, Roger Stephen, and Lucius Phillip, and Sister Rose Mary Desir, President, Executive Secretary, and Treasurer respectively.

We pray for God’s leading, as we embark on this very important, spiritual endeavor on November 9-11, 2022, at the Castries SDA Church, on High Street.


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