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Prayer For Union Session

June 29, 2016 • • in News

union-sessionEveryone is invited to join us as we pray for the leading and out pouring of the Holy Spirit during the upcoming Union Sessions.  The Sessions are scheduled to be held at the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad from July 20 – 23, 2016. Delegates will be travelling from all over the Caribbean. Please pray for safe travel and for the guidance of the Spirit as Administrators and Directors are selected for the Union. Also, Administrators will be selected for the five (5) Missions operating within the Union territory, including Tobago, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, South Leeward, and St. Lucia.

Please make appointments with God at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily. If these times don’t suit you, please choose a convenient time.  Let us pray and watch God work.


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