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Prayz FM Evangelistic Series

September 27, 2015 • • in News


Prayz-fm-evangelistic-seriesToday’s youth face many challenges.  There is a desire to reach the destination of success but few legitimate roads to get there.   The social, financial, sexual, spiritual, inter-personal and intra-personal obstacles are around every corner, and at every such stop there are offers of compromise, freemasonry, witchcraft and easy money.  Many feel that they are sitting on the block of frustration, unemployment, un-fulfillment and despair.

For this reason, Prayz Fm, has embarked upon a youth evangelistic endeavor that will have the following five objectives:

  1. To   empower young people to fulfill the plans of God in their lives;
  1. To encourage them to be involved in the Mission of Christ through His church;
  2. To attract young people to the ministry of the station and positive media;
  3. To inspire young people to be resilient in the face of life’s challenges; and
  4. To challenge them to live sober, godly lives, in spite of the drunkenness of the age.

This series will be hosted under the theme, STAND UP, STAND OUT, STAND FIRM – BY HIS SPIRIT and presented by Elder Danny Moonie, a young man, zealous to pronounce God’s news to his generation.   

It will be held from September 28th – October 10th 2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 pm.  It will end with a grand convocation at the Dennery SDA Church from 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. where young people will be challenged and charged for consecration and service.

Youth can tune in at or 98.5 and 92.5

Take your stand!  Commit to listen and be there!

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