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Samson Wilson Bible Connection 2018 Represents the St Lucia Mission in Trinidad (CARU)

October 5, 2018 • • in News
Written By: Nathaniel Emilien
The first ever Bible Connection formerly Bible Boom finals, under the leadership of Pastor Anthony Hall-Youth Director for the Caribbean Union Conference of SDA, was held on Saturday 29th September, 2018 at the University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad. Samson Wilson represented the Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh Day Adventist.
Eight other fields were represented as follows:
Guyana Conference
Grenada Conference
North Caribbean Conference
East Caribbean Conference
South Caribbean Conference
South LeeWard Mission
Saint Vincent Mission
University of the Southern Caribbean
This year Bible Connection finals focused on the books of Matthew, Mark and the  Desire of Ages. A total of 50 questions were asked  in a five round cycle. Here is how Samson Wilson proudly represented the St Lucia Mission out of  8 fields.
Round 1- 8th place
Round 2 -2nd place -210 points- 4 minutes 19 seconds
Round 3-2nd place  -315 points- 6 minutes 23 seconds
Round 4-2nd place   -450 points- 8 minutes  13 seconds
Round 5 (final) 4th place- 570 points -10 minutes 47 seconds
Despite unforeseen circumstances like the passage of Tropical Storm Kirk, that resulted in the cancellation of flights which caused Wilson to arrive late, he represented St Lucia outstandingly and could not have done it without  the support of his brother Manasseh Wilson (3rd year Theology Major) at the University of the Southern Caribbean- and the rest of the Saint Lucian contingent.
Wilson currently serves as a Deacon and an Ay leader at his local congregation (Good News Community SDA Church.)


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