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Seventh Day Adventist Young People in Saint Lucia Hit the Streets & Communities

March 7, 2019 • • in News

Scores of Seventh-day Adventist young people from around Saint Lucia stepped out into their neighborhoods and communities on Sabbath, March 2nd 2019 to engage in spreading kindness, compassion, love and hope. The annual special day coined as Global Youth Day under the theme “Adopt” is sponsored by the General Conference Youth Ministries Department and motivates young people to get out of their comfort zones to “Be the Sermon” as they show the love of Jesus in their communities.

Seventh Day Adventist Youth in Saint Lucia would be acting as Jesus’ hands and feet, with the primary goal to encourage persons through the distribution of gospel literature and prayer.

An unprecedented number of young people throughout their districts helped organize local activities during the sixth annual event where they distributed food and water, prayed with persons, encouraged individuals and sang.

Persons also took advantage of free health checks including blood pressure, blood sugar, and dental checks.

Global youth day was launched on March 13th, 2013 and is a ministry that engages and networks youth and young adults in Service Ministries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to develop an active spirit of service among youth and young adults.


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