St. Lucia Mission of SDA to Elect Top Church Officials
August 28, 2018 • • in News
Written By: Nathaniel Emilien
The Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, the governing body of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Saint Lucia, will stage its Fifth Quadrennial Session at the L’Abayee SDA church from November 21st-23rd 2018, under the theme “United in Spirit Fulfilling God’s Purpose.”
The opening ceremony commences on Wednesday November 21st .The Session is called in compliance with the operating policies of the Mission, to receive reports from the Mission’s administrators, departmental directors and the auditors; elect departmental directors and the elective members of the Executive Committee (the highest decision making body of the SDA church in Saint Lucia) and approve plans and make recommendations for the next quadrennium.
As a Mission the operations are supervised by the Caribbean Union of Seventh-Day Adventist, who also selects administrators.
The New Mission Executive, who will transact the business of the church for the next four years, will also be constituted from the offices voted, and floor members recommended by the delegates at the session.
According to Sister Rose Mary Desir Executive Secretary, “Mission session is a time of prayer, fellowship, inspiration and thanksgiving.” She encourages the membership to continue to pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit on his Church as he charts its course for the years ahead.
Mission Session ends with a grand convention on Saturday November 24th 2018, at the Darren Sammy Cricket Ground from 9am.
According to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination’s Office of Archives Statistics and Research, there are 23,653 members and 52 congregations.