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Usher’s For Christ ministry – 2016 Training Program

May 9, 2016 • • in News

The annual Professional Certification Training programme for new ushers begins on Sunday June 5th islandwide: At the Castries, Vieux fort & Soufriere churches. Registration forms are available from the head usher at the local church or the usher’s Chairperson in your District.

Training will be held on the following dates for (3) Sundays:

Sunday June 5th

Sunday June 19th

Sunday July 3rd

Topics include: The Ministry of Ushering & Hospitality, Crusade management, Basic First Aid, Mind, Character & Personality, Grooming & Deportment, Effective Communication, Church Protocol, Conflict Management and six other relevant topics not to be missed.

Deadline to register is:   Wednesday June 1st.

To those who are considering the bold step of becoming an usher, here is your opportunity! The ministry of ushering is to bring glory to God because by serving others, we serve him. It’s exciting! Come be part of it!

You may also call: 720 5046 or email: for more information.


God bless you,

Sis Vanessa Julien

President – SDA Ushers For Christ Ministry


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