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Ushers For Christ Ministry

December 13, 2015 • • in News

PRESS RELEASE – Friday December 11th, 2015.

Saint Lucia Seventh-Day Adventist Ushers For Christ Ministry

The Saint Lucia Seventh-day Adventist Ushers For Christ Council Ministry (SLU SDAUFCC) held its third annual graduation ceremony on Sunday November 29th at 2:30 pm at the Philadelphia SDA church in Grande Riviere, Dennery. Sixty two new Ushers were invested into the ministry having completed the professional certification program held in June and July.

ushers-for-Christ-1The Ushers For Christ Ministry is the arm of the Seventh-day Adventist faith movement in Saint Lucia which serves the church, visitors and guests at all church services, church related functions and large events. Ushers serve by meeting, greeting, seating and helping in all areas. The overall Mission of the ministry is to be of service to the church family when needed, in order to further the Lord’s message of loving one another even as God has loved us.

ushers-for-Christ-2The ministry began in Saint Lucia in 2006 and was officially inaugurated in 2009. It functions under the leadership of Pastor Lucius Philip, the Personal Ministries Director of the Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. This means its role and function is evangelism in nature. The Ushers were professionally trained by Pastors and qualified individuals in their various fields in the following disciplines: The Art & Ministry of Ushering, Church Protocol,
Government Protocol, Food Safety, Mind Character & Spirituality, Crusade Management, Conflict Management, Ergonomics, Disaster Preparedness, Basic First Aid, Interpersonal Relations, Effective Communications and Basic language skills.

ushers-for-Christ-3“The administration of The Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists is excited about the growth and development of the Ushers ministry in Saint Lucia and the significant contribution it is making in enhancing our worship services and other special convocations. We believe that the ministry of ushering is an important calling. In many Seventh-day Adventists churches the usher is the first official representative of the church that a visitor will encounter” says Pastor Philip. “We have had a wonderful response from church members and visitors alike who said they feel the warmth and welcoming spirit when they attend our services and functions”.

ushers-for-Christ-4“We are very joyful today,” says Vanessa Julien, President of the Ushers For Christ Council . “We know that the commitment our professionally trained ushers have made to this ministry yields immediate and eternal rewards. We are saved to serve”.

The Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists was established in 1999. There are currently close to 50 churches on the island and membership continues to grow in attendance on Sabbaths (Saturday) with frequent evangelism programs and small group ministry. Other outreaches of the church include the Community Services ministry, gospel musical groups, Health ministries, ADRA and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty services. Bible classes are taught both on Wednesday evenings and Sabbath (Saturday) afternoons.

For more information about the Ushers For Christ Ministry in Saint Lucia, contact the island Executive Council on email: or the Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists on Tel: (758) 451 8657. Email: or visit our Web-site at


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