Welcome Pastor Pavel P. Goia to the St. Lucia Mission of SDA!
May 18, 2017 • • in News
I am so pleased, on the behalf of the President of the Saint Lucia Mission, Pastor Alexander Biscette, his fellow administrators: Pastor Roger Stephen and Rose Mary Desir, the Mission’s Prayer Coordinator to be able through this medium to welcome the Prayer Minister, Pastor Pavel Goia, of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, who for the first time ever in the history of the SDA Church in Saint Lucia Mission, will address the Seventh-day Adventist constituency and the people of the nation of Saint Lucia and beyond.
This Sabbath, May 20, 2017, we will be proud to host our first ever national SDA Prayer Conference, with expert Pavel Paul Goia as the keynote speaker at the SDA Mission’s first ever Prayer Conference. We are all happy that the world renowned Prayer Minister will be addressing God’s people in Saint Lucia this weekend.
Finally, our weekend speaker is just a fascinating person and we’re all in for a treat this weekend. Let us all congratulate Miss. Rose Mary Desir and other administrators for a job well done! Without further saying, please join me brothers and sisters/Ladies & Gentlemen in welcoming Pastor Pavel Paul. Goia to the people of the nation of Saint Lucia.
Donavan M J. Rene’
Communication Director
Saint Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists